The construction of an infiltration gallery which enables sustainable use of the groundwater lens at Vaitupu atoll, providing the communities with an additional source of water supply during periods of low rainfall and drought. The four main components include the design and construction of appropriate infrastructure ; the generation of local knowledge to support evidence-based decision-making; the establishment of lasting local capacity to manage and maintain the system; and empowerment of the community to manage and maintain safe drinking water.
- Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability (CCES)
- Educational Quality and Assessment (EQAP)
- Fisheries, Aquaculture & Marine Ecosystems (FAME)
- Geoscience, Energy and Maritime (GEM)
- Land Resources Division (LRD)
- Public Health Division (PHD)
- Regional Rights Resource Team (RRRT)
- Social Development Program (SDP)
- Statistics for Development Division (SDD)
- Special Projects