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Pacific Islands Conference on Ocean Science and Ocean Management

- sep 15
Ajouter au calendrier 2024-11-06 15:14:32 2024-11-06 15:14:32 Pacific Islands Conference on Ocean Science and Ocean Management SPC through its Pacific Community Centre for Ocean Science (PCCOS) would like to convene Pacific Island Countries and Territories representatives charged with integrated ocean management and ocean science partners to the 1st Pacific Islands Conference on Ocean Science and Ocean Management to be held in Nadi, Fiji, from 11 – 15 September 2023.At the national, regional and global levels, there is a great push to address ocean issues in a more integrated way to better use ocean resources, benefit from the ocean space while protecting ecosystems, cultures and livelihoods. The Ocean is also the largest heat and carbon sink on the planet, as it absorbs CO2 and excess heat caused by climate change.This event will bring together relevant country stakeholders and partners to discuss ocean science and management priorities in the Pacific. It will be a key platform to identify national and regional needs, highlight key scientific questions and attract funds to bridge key gaps between ocean science and ocean policy implementation.This regional conference on ocean science and ocean management in 2023 is part of the Ocean Decade implementation in the Pacific.For any questions regarding this event, please contact Pierre-Yves Charpentier, PCCOS Project Advisor at pierreyvesc (pierreyvesc[at]spc[dot]int). Pacific Community (SPC) [email protected] Pacific/Fiji public
SPC through its Pacific Community Centre for Ocean Science (PCCOS) would like to convene Pacific Island Countries and Territories representatives charged with integrated ocean management and ocean science partners to the 1st Pacific Islands Conference on Ocean Science and Ocean Management to be held in Nadi, Fiji, from 11 – 15 September 2023.

At the national, regional and global levels, there is a great push to address ocean issues in a more integrated way to better use ocean resources, benefit from the ocean space while protecting ecosystems, cultures and livelihoods. The Ocean is also the largest heat and carbon sink on the planet, as it absorbs CO2 and excess heat caused by climate change.

This event will bring together relevant country stakeholders and partners to discuss ocean science and management priorities in the Pacific. It will be a key platform to identify national and regional needs, highlight key scientific questions and attract funds to bridge key gaps between ocean science and ocean policy implementation.

This regional conference on ocean science and ocean management in 2023 is part of the Ocean Decade implementation in the Pacific.

For any questions regarding this event, please contact Pierre-Yves Charpentier, PCCOS Project Advisor at pierreyvesc at (pierreyvesc[at]spc[dot]int).